As a young researcher, I am interested in ecosystems functionning, and more precisely on the entangled roles of biodiversity and climate on it. Understanding how ecosystems behave is of the utmost importance to me in a context of climate change and biodiversity loss in order to preserve and restore those ecosystems, essential to life. I am a student in the Master BioSciences from the ENS de Lyon, currently doing a gap year. I took ecology, genomics and evolution courses and did a Erasmus year in the Ecology and Conservation master of Uppsala University (Sweden). Previously, I made research on the bacteria of the nitrogen cycle in soils in the LEM (Lyon, France), in modelling the effects of climate change on food webs from different ecosystems in iDiv (Leipzig, Germany) and on two cryptic species of mosses to understand their differences in climatic distribution and response to droughts in the Plant Ecology and Evolution (Uppsala, Sweden). During my three months internship in the CEFE with Rémy, I helped to set in place a long-term litter decomposition experiment to understand the effects of microclimate and biodiversity on this process and I contributed with simple models on a perspective paper on the implications of vegetation diversity buffering of microclimate for ecosystem functionning.